Roll for Improv: Escaping the Zoo – Episode 3 (Finale)

Escaping the Zoo: Shnishki the Rat

The quest for Madagascar reaches its thrilling conclusion! Having located the Mall our heroes must navigate its many attractions; but can they make it back to the zoo in one piece? Let alone with Madagascar?

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Crowd in panic by IENBA on

Local Elevator by Kevin MacLeod from the YouTube Audio Library

Traversing by Godmode from the YouTube Audio Library

Divine Life Society by Jesse Gallagher from the YouTube Audio Library

Guitar House by josh pan from the YouTube Audio Library

Twin Engines by Jeremy Korpas from the YouTube Audio Library

Sweet Relief by Zachariah Hickman from the YouTube Audio Library

Imperial Forces by Aaron Kenny from the YouTube Audio Library

Murmuring And Talking Men from the YouTube Audio Library

Spy/Secret Agent Loop by Sirkoto51 on

Go Get ‘Em Tiger by The Whole Other from the YouTube Audio Library

Hypnosis by Godmode from the YouTube Audio Library

Raging Streets by SefChol from the YouTube Audio Library

Toy truck single.wav by FreqMan on

Dawn of Man by Quincas Moreira from the YouTube Audio Library

Voice elephant.mp3 by vataaa on

Elephant Trumpets Growls.flac by D.jones on

44.wav by y89312 on

seals_fishermans_wharf_san_francisco.mp3 by polymorpheva on

When We Found The Horizon by Late Night Feeler from the YouTube Audio Library

Image: Rat hiding under a cardboard box. “Peekaboo!” by Sly Pierce on Unsplash