The Weather is WHAT now?!

What changes would you make to The Weather in the next balance patch?

In our quest to fix everything, this year we try our hand at the weather. You know, that thing that’s always kinda gloomy in the UK? Yeah! We’re doing a balance patch for that!

Wallace unveiling the Prizebot

How would you use Wallace’s inventions?

In honour of Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl, we discuss some of our favourite moments in British Television history and debate how Wallace’s inventions could actually be used to turn a profit.

Christmas but it's not a Nightmare

What would you do Before Christmas? (à la The Nightmare Before Christmas?)

Halloween did such a good job that we’re wondering who else would do a good Christmas? In this year’s Holiday Special, we consider which other franchises could give jolly old Saint Nick a year off.

So THAT'S what Ghosting is!

How would you Bust Ghosts?

The Ghostbusters are MIA again! Instead of outsourcing the job again, this time we’re taking the Thanos approach and doing it ourselves.

Yeah, I can spell Magic: The Gathering

What is the best Magic: The Gathering spell to have in real life?

There are over 27,000 Magic: The Gathering spells in the game, and we have to whittle it down to just one. So we better make it a good one (or not, as the case may be).

House MD. Am I right?

Which is the best fictional house?

Did you ever try to buy a house? It’s really difficult, they all make too much sense! But in the world of fiction anything is possible…

A pirate's life for me!

We’re making a pirate crew! Who do we bring?

YARRR YOU SCURVY DOGS! We’re assembling the finest seafaring crew the seven seas have ever seen! Just one problem, we don’t know who to hire.

Doctor Who the hell are you?

Which villain would you add to Doctor Who?

With the recent Doctor Who reboot (aptly named Season One), we think it’s high time they added a new villain to the franchise! The only question is: which one?

Can't wait for Pokémon: Cash version

What’s next for Pokémon?

With gaming sensation Palworld (AKA. Pokémon With Guns) sweeping the world of catchable critters, we simply need to know: What is the next big thing for Pokémon?